Sunday, September 20, 2009

Is 3-D Going to Take Over the Movie Industry?

Michael Avila, . "Future of 3-D animation? Anything but ‘Cloudy’." MSNBC.COM. 9/16/2009. News-A-Rama, Web. 20 Sep 2009. .

This article talks about how 3-D animation is not a fad, but something viewers like and will keep coming back to watch. This week in Los Angeles there will be a meeting held, where animation producers will talk about 3-D animation. There have been 9 3-D films that have come out, 2 of which have made over 2 million dollars just in America. The film "Up" has made the most at $291 million dollars. Wearing glasses in the movies is very "in" here and will keep being this way as they keep producing movies like this. Dreamworks has decided from now on they will make all their movies in 3-D as long as these results keep coming. They believe 3-D animation will change and keep changing the movie industry.

I think 3-D animation is changing the movie industry entirely. Pretty soon every movie that comes out will be in 3-D. This is because it has so much more to offer viewers. Who would want to go to a normal movie? When you could be going to a 3-D movie, where the movie is popping out at you, and you get a nice pair of into the future glasses to wear and take home with you. This is why i think going 3-D will change everything, and I think the longer we have it, the better technology will get. Which means the better movies will get. The 3-D switch overall, will make the movie industry prosper and grow incredibly.

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