Thursday, September 3, 2009

Media Show Hosts

Rose, Lacey. "Oprah still TV’s best-paid talk show host." . 9/3/09. msnbc. 3 Sep 2009 .

This media article talks about how much television show hosts are being paid today. They go through a list of different hosts. Many of these host's are late night show hosts that come on after 10 p.m. Some of the names include: Jay Leno, David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, O'Brien. All of these people listed make from 14 million to 45 million. Although none of these come close to Oprah Winfrey. She has been ranked as the best paid show host on our television today. Oprah makes around 568 million dollars a year. She does this through her show "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and also through radio station contracts.

I think this shows that the people we watch on television play a big part in our lives and have a great affect on what we think. I believe this to be true because why would TV channels pay these hosts so much money to have these hosts show's on their channels? That is why i believe what they are being paid is credible. These people are making shows, doing service, giving advice, etc... These are things i believe their viewers need, and it is valuable advice they give. Thousands of people every day are watching these show hosts and i think it's only fair that they get paid each of their personal amounts. Oprah gets paid the most, i think, because she is on prime time television, and has a lot to offer everyone that watches. She does a great job of covering all things along the spectrum, from cooking to personal issues. She brings in experts and hosts them on her show and does a great job of getting what she wants across to her viewers. All of these reasons are why i believe she tops the list.

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